
Smart Buildings

 Smart Buildings Authors:  (26)   (30) ______________________________________________________________ Introduction: A smart building integrates a variety of building-wide systems, such as HVAC, lighting, alarms, and security, into a single IT-managed network infrastructure. To achieve this convergence, it applies foundational technology such as Power over Ethernet (PoE). Smart buildings give us more control over the surroundings and operations of a building. In this blog we will learn about smart buildings and its applications. ______________________________________________________________ What is Smart buildings: In order to simplify their use, smart buildings use wireless connections to record and share data about the building's operations (such as water use, heating, and other utilities). Users can use this information to remotely control resources, automate procedures, and gain a better ...

Storage and energy efficient cloud computing.

Authors: Onkar Kulkarni, Kunal Ingale, Rutik kadam, Zaheer shaikh. Storage and energy efficient cloud computing. Introduction: Cloud computing is an emerging technology that attracts ICT(Information and Communication Technology) service providers offering tremendous opportunities for online distribution of services. It offers computing as a utility, sharing resources of scalable data centers. End users can benefit from the convenience of accessing data and services globally, centrally managed backups, high computational capacity, and flexible billing strategies .[2] Suitable, flexible, on-demand service, pooling of resources, broad network access, and measured service are some of the key attrubutes that a cloud can provide with minimal management effort, and highly customizable manner.  The amount of energy consumed by the ICT equipment in data centers need to be reduced. It has been calculated that the amount of energy consumption by the data centers of the service providers i...

Graph Based Database

  Graph Based Database What is a Graph Database? A Graph Database is an intended to regard the connections between information as similarly vital to the actual information. For what reason truly do Graph Databases matter? Since graphs are great at dealing with connections, a few information bases store information as a diagram Introduction In Computing, a graph database (GDB) is a data set that utilizations graphs structures for semantic inquiries with hubs, edges, and properties to address and store data. A vital idea of the framework is the diagram (or edge or relationship). The graphs relates the information things in the store to an assortment of hubs and edges, the edges addressing the connections between the hubs. The connections permit information in the store to be connected together straightforwardly and, by and large, recovered with one activity. Graph-base databases hold the connections between information as vital. Questioning connections is quick since they are unendin...
     Discrete Structure Class: FYMCA   Members:  36. Onkar Kulkarni. 26. Kunal Ingale. 31. Rutik kadam . 25. Shantanu Inamdar.     Blog: Prim’s Algorithm   Introduction: Prim's Algorithm is a greedy algorithm that is used to find the minimum spanning tree from a graph Prim's algorithm finds the subset of edges that includes every vertex of the graph such that the sum of the weights of the edges can be minimized   Prim's algorithm starts with the single node and explores all the adjacent nodes with all the connecting edges at every step. The edges with the minimal weights causing no cycles in the graph got selected   History: Prim's Algorithm was initially developed in 1930 by Czech mathematician Vojtěch Jarník. Robert Clay Prim independently discovered it in 19571957, and in 19591959 it was rediscovered once more by Edsger Wybe Dijkstra. For these reas...